
Showing posts from February, 2018

ePortfolio 6

For my Google+ discussion I mainly focused on respect and educate subgroups so for this post I thought I would dive more into the remaining protect group.             The third subgroup of Dr. Ribble’s nine elements of digital citizenship is protect yourself/ protect others. Within this group there are three elements, they are rights and responsibilities, safety and security, and health and welfare. When I hear rights and responsibilities I immediately think of the statements you are always given at the doctors. On the paper it states the clinics responsibilities to you as a patient, like prompt billing, maintaining privacy, and treating patients respectfully. It also states the responsibilities of the patient which include providing accurate information, communication with provider, and prompt bill paying. When I look at digital citizenships rights and responsibilities I see many of the same things exist between medical facilities and in the digital world. Just like on the form

Week 4 ePortfolio

According to digital footprints is a trail of data your create while you use the internet. It can include websites you visit, emails you send, and information submitted online including personal information and credit card numbers. Students and teachers need to be aware that everything they do online is recorded. It is vital to remember this as many young people spend a great deal of their time online. As teachers is an important  part of the job to teach students that what they put up online may hurt them later. For personal experience I realized this the hard way. Periodically Facebook shows me posts from high school. Sadly many of them I appear angry and sometimes even use foul language. I understand I was maybe 15 years old but I am embarrassed when I see those past posts pop up. If someone were to make an assumption based soley on my Facebook post it would be fair to assume I am angry all the time and use bad words to get my anger out. Today this is absolutely

Week 3 ePortfolio

Before this week I was unaware of what character education was. I believe this is because it is something I see everyday at work and at home with my son. It is something I do on a everyday basis without thinking about it. With that being said I think once I learned that there are certain ways to make it more effective I became more aware of how I handle situations. I work with Kindergartners so with them I am focused on more of the social character education. Just yesterday I had to have a discussion with my class about how if we yell, push, and are mean to our friends they may not want to be our friend anymore. While this seems like a tough thing to talk about with 5 year olds, but was very eye opening to them. To look more into character education I did a simple google search and found a whole website focused on lesson plans to teach skills like trustworthiness, respect, and caring. I thought it was interesting that there are actual lesson plans focused on the basics of these skills.