ePortfolio week 10

This week we focused on cyberbullying and how it should be approached in schools. For this ePortfolio post I choose to focus on some of the questions I didn't answer in my original blog post.

What is the relationship between cyberbullying and bullying in RL?
There is a direct relationship between cyberbullying and bullying in real life. In many instances a student who is being bullied online is often also being bullied in the school in their interactions with their peers. While this may be the case I believe that a lot of the time cyberbullying goes undetected for longer than bullying in real life because it is easier to hide. If the student who is being cyberbullied or someone who knows about it doesn't speak up it can go on for a lot time without being noticed. This is a scary thought because being bullied whether it be in person or virtually is very hurtful and can cause lifelong challenges. 

How should cyberbullying be approached by our schools?
Cyberbullying should be approached by everyone in a school as a big problem and everyone needs to work together to stop it. I believe, like many of the other interviews and resources I explored this week, that the best approach is prevention. Students and faculty need to work together to stop bullying before it happens. Without this approach students will not want to come to school, may act out, or even in the worst case scenario break the law which causes harm others.
I think that in schools today therefocus is too set on adults and should be more focused on students. They are the ones who are walking down the halls, seeing the group texts, the Facebook posts, and going to parties or activities with their classmates. They are the ones who are the first to see when someone is being bullied. The important thing is to teach students to recognize bullying, given them resources to help others who may be being bullied and arm them with the knowledge of where to get help for themselves or someone they may feel is being a target for cyberbullying.


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